Yoga Only Works if You Show Up

Yoga Only Works if You Show Up

I hope you’re doing well!

Firstly - for those who missed ..we MOVED to Linskill ta huge, warm room with a parquet floor.

Secondly - I would like to remind you about the importance of consistency in your yoga practice. Regular yoga sessions not only improve flexibility, mobility, and strength but also play a key role in injury prevention and mental health.

It helps us to "age young" and teach "oh so precious" skills to manage your stress


Remember (!) if you are experience any of below..

  • back pain - you need to stretch glutes and decompress your spine come to yoga instead of doing nothing about it
  • bad knees - you need to gently stretch with resistance yoga training yoga 
  • stiff shoulder - you have to practice downward dog and mobility yoga poses 
  • sciatica pain - you have to start stretching your glutes, calves, hip flexors and the rest! 
Yoga will help you in the short and long term!

    Pain will not just go away. You can not "walk it off" 
    Neither can it be helped by just endless messages etc. Sometimes the only person that can help you to get healthier is YOU
    You and me together will transform your body-mind connection and remove aches and pains. 
    Bookings via


    Only by staying committed to your practice, you’ll see the deeper benefits of yoga: 

    • injury prevention.                                      
    • injury recovery
    • strong body
    • resistance training 
    • core strength
    • posture and balance
    • mobility, flexibility, strength
    • calm nervous system
    • body awareness
    • confidence and GOOD LIFE (because yoga makes you feel good about yourself)

    Every yoga class brings you closer to greater health and balance.

        Looking forward to seeing you on the mat    soon

    and now, for those who read it till the end.. congratulations! you just received a little surprise from me personally - 10% off all your classes till October 21st 2024
    Just book and type YOGA10 
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