Yoga Blog

SOMATIC HEALING YOGA: your nervous system needs it
What is Somatics? Before we dive in, let's explore what somatics really means. Soma is the fabric of your being. Your soma holds your emotions and expresses habits and thoughts....
SOMATIC HEALING YOGA: your nervous system needs it
What is Somatics? Before we dive in, let's explore what somatics really means. Soma is the fabric of your being. Your soma holds your emotions and expresses habits and thoughts....

4 Parasympathetic Pranayama techniques for SLEE...
Pranayama is Therapy. Did you know that, right? If not, let me help you to understand and guide through few helpful techniques. But firsts... 1. Sympathetic Mode - This is often...
4 Parasympathetic Pranayama techniques for SLEE...
Pranayama is Therapy. Did you know that, right? If not, let me help you to understand and guide through few helpful techniques. But firsts... 1. Sympathetic Mode - This is often...

YOGA TEACHET TRAINING - 200hr, 100hr, 50hr, 20hr
Alignment Yoga Teacher Training Welcome to Our Comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Program Are you ready to deepen your yoga practice, gain in-depth knowledge, and become a certified yoga instructor? Our...
YOGA TEACHET TRAINING - 200hr, 100hr, 50hr, 20hr
Alignment Yoga Teacher Training Welcome to Our Comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training Program Are you ready to deepen your yoga practice, gain in-depth knowledge, and become a certified yoga instructor? Our...

Yoga Only Works if You Show Up
I hope you’re doing well! Firstly - for those who missed ..we MOVED to Linskill to a huge, warm room with a parquet floor. Secondly - I would like to remind you about the importance of...
Yoga Only Works if You Show Up
I hope you’re doing well! Firstly - for those who missed ..we MOVED to Linskill to a huge, warm room with a parquet floor. Secondly - I would like to remind you about the importance of...

Understanding Neck Pain and Posture.
Why you in pain? The weight of an "average" head is 10 pounds. There are 18 muscles and 25 ligaments in the neck. Now, imagine 10 lb "handing off " your...
Understanding Neck Pain and Posture.
Why you in pain? The weight of an "average" head is 10 pounds. There are 18 muscles and 25 ligaments in the neck. Now, imagine 10 lb "handing off " your...

Men's mental health. Can Yoga help?
According to the Mental Health Foundation, the statistics regarding mental health and yoga participation among men in the United Kingdom shows that ... Approximately 9% of men in the UK...
Men's mental health. Can Yoga help?
According to the Mental Health Foundation, the statistics regarding mental health and yoga participation among men in the United Kingdom shows that ... Approximately 9% of men in the UK...